A storm can take on various forms; it can be hail, hurricane, tornado or flood. These storms often cause extensive damage to your building and its components. We at Champion Contractors provide Storm Damage Restoration Services for
commercial and multifamily property owners nationwide and best of all…WE WORK FOR YOU!
Our Storm Damage Restoration Services involve an experienced, professional staff of storm damage experts, adjusters, estimators, construction professionals, licensed real estate professionals and specialized attorneys who work together to solve the challenges associated with storm damages and the restoration process. We are DAMAGE EXPERTS. Our staff is fully trained to work with our clients and assist them throughout the entire restoration process and complete the building restoration so that no damage is overlooked, and the property is restored to its pre-loss condition or better.
We understand there are different ways to view storm damage and the restoration process. Here at Champion Contractors, we view the storm damage from the client’s perspective, ensuring that your property can be restored as quickly and completely as possible.